Akiko Kawamura

Artist / Illustrator Artworks


Drawings of animals and plants with abundant love.






Drawings of animals and plants with abundant love.

Akiko Kawamura’s drawings of animals, birds and plants are full of reverence for the nature and love for all living things.With a developed sense of balance unique to a graphic designer, her well-composed drawings with the skillful combination of colors stimulate the viewer’s visual sense.

Through the eyes of children, Kawamura draws the nature such as animals, birds, insects, flowers, trees, and fruits.

All creatures in her drawings have adorable eyes, and even ghosts are charming and not scary at all when drawn by her.

Another characteristic of her drawings is that they are often about mothers and children.

The vegan café, “Eightablish” founded by Kawamura has a unified ambience of her worldview with her original drawings on the packaging of desserts and teas as well as the paintings on the walls.

Having developed stories along with the drawings, her original children’s books titled “I am Apollo”, based on her beloved dog, Apollo and “I am Char”, based on a friend’s cat, Char had been published by Little More Publishing in 2016.

In her book titled “The Swan and Friends” published by World Bunka Wonder in the spring of 2023, she portrays a new type of family by capturing the interactions between a swan widow and infant frog.

With no exception, all of Kawamura’s art works are full of reverence, affection, and love for all living things on earth.


愛知県出身。ニューヨークの美術大学School Of Visual Arts, Graphic Design学部卒業。Rhodes Family Award受賞。帰国後、企業での勤務を経て20代で独立しデザイン会社Double Ow Eightを設立。大手企業のアートディレクションやブランディング、ロゴやパッケージデザイン、広告デザインを手がける。ヴィーガンカフェの草分けエイタブリッシュ主宰。2014年(株)Apollo&Char Company、2020年社会貢献をスローガンに掲げるドッツウィル(株) 設立。

Born in Aichi-ken. Graduated from School of Visual Arts in New York City with BA in Graphic Design. A recipient of the Rhodes Family Award. After having worked for Japanese companies, started in her 20’s a new graphic design company called Double Ow Eight. Performed services for major clients in art direction, branding, designing logos, packagings and advertising displays. The Chairperson of Eightablish, the first vegan cafe in Japan. Founded Apollo & Char Company in 2014. Founded Dotswill, Ltd., with philanthropic beliefs in 2020.

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